A team of University of Illinois at Chicago researchers that included University of Illinois Cancer Center member Terry Moore recently received the 2019 Rufus A. Lyman Award at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy annual meeting held in Chicago. The award recognizes the best paper published in the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education in 2018. Moore, PhD, assistant professor of medicinal chemistry and pharmacognosy, served as co-author on the paper, “Assessing Students’ Impression of the Cultural Awareness of Pharmacy Faculty and Students.” On August 8, Moore will present “Stapled Peptide Antagonists of the Estrogen Receptor for the Treatment of Breast Cancer” at a Translational Oncology seminar from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in room 8175 in the UIC College of Medicine Research Building, 909 S. Wolcott Ave.
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