Jan Kitajewski, PhD


Department of Physiology and Biophysics

University of Illinois College of Medicine Chicago

Research Program

Cancer Biology (CB)

Phone: 312-996-7617

Email: [email protected]

Jan Kitajewski, PhD, is Director of the University of Illinois Cancer Center and a Professor and Head of the Department of Physiology and Biophysics. His research is focused on tumor angiogenesis, cell fate determination, GPCR signaling and pathway remodeling. Specific areas of focus are vessel development, reproductive angiogenesis and tumor angiogenesis associated with breast and ovarian cancer. His lab has explored the Notch signaling cascade and determined how cell-fate determination mediated by Notch and VEGF guides the proper construction of the vasculature. His lab established that Notch functions in tumor angiogenesis, and they developed therapeutic strategies to treat gynecological malignancies and breast cancer. His leadership responsibilities while at Columbia University included acting as Co-Director of the Cancer Signaling Networks program at Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center (HICCC) and Director of the Division of Reproductive Sciences in the Department of Ob/Gyn. In addition, he served as Charter Member for the Cardiovascular Differentiation and Development study section and has served on ad-hoc review panels for National Institutes of Health (NIH) and U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) research grants, program projects and training grant, and National Cancer Institute (NCI) intramural program research evaluations. A sizable portion of his activities have been in serving and strengthening the fields of tumor microenvironment and vascular biology.

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PhD, Princeton University

Disease Focus

Breast; Liver

Research Keywords

Notch Signaling; Angiogenesis; Metastasis; Ackr1; Therapeutics; Tumor Endothelial Barrier

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