MSU’s Breslin Cancer Center hosting Big Ten CRC Grand Rounds

“Deciphering Metabolic Reprogamming in Metastasis” is the topic of September’s Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium’s Grand Rounds. The Zoom event, hosted by Michigan State University Breslin Cancer Center, will be held on Thursday, Sept. 10, at 11:30 a.m.

Presenters will be Sophia Lunt, PhD, assistant professor of biochemistry and molecular biology in Michigan State’s department of chemical engineering and materials science, and Daniel Isaac, DO, MS, assistant professor of medicine, division of hematology/oncology, College of Medicine, Breslin Cancer Center.

The Big Ten CRC Grand Rounds are monthly educational events hosted live by member institutions for faculty investigators, scientists, fellows, residents, medical students and clinical research staff. The goal of Big Ten CRC Grand Rounds is to expand awareness, dialogue, and opportunities for collaboration between member institutions.

Join meeting here:

Meeting ID: 919 9781 6642

Password: Big10CRC

The presentation can also be viewed at the Grand Rounds Video Library following the event.

Grand Rounds Video Library

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