Ardith Doorenbos, PhD, RN


College of Nursing

Research Program

Cancer Prevention And Control (CPC)

Ardith Doorenbos, PhD, RN, is a Professor in the UIC College of Nursing. She joined UIC in 2018, and her research is centered on palliative care and the management of pain and symptoms. She focuses on the use of innovative technology and integrated therapies. She has over 200 peer-reviewed, data-based publications in nursing and multidisciplinary journals. She also has extensive experience with all aspects of research including carrying out randomized controlled multicenter trials and coordinating project staff and activities, as well as overall management, implementation and monitoring of the scientific integrity of research projects. In 2010, she was named a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing and in 2018, she was inducted into the Sigma Theta Tau International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame.

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PhD, Wayne State University

Research Keywords

Pain; Symptom Management; Palliative Care

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