Colorectal Cancer Alliance funding opportunities that may be of interest to University of Illinois Cancer Center members.

Early Career Investigator Award

  • Deadline: Rolling
  • Purpose: As part of its Project Cure CRC initiative, the Colorectal Cancer Alliance is accepting proposals from early career investigators (within first five years of first independent academic faculty appointment) with original preclinical, translational, or early clinical research project ideas. Special emphasis will be given to proposals that fast-track existing preclinical and clinical research in areas that increase therapeutic options, improve adjuvant therapies, deliver novel therapies focused on driver mutations (such as BRAF, TP53, KRAS, BRCA1), and investigate strategies to manipulate the tumor microenvironment (TME) to advance the use of immunotherapy. Grant funds up to $200,000 over two years, of which up to 5% can be allocated to indirect costs.

Senior Investigator Award

  • Deadline: Rolling
  • Purpose: As part of its Project Cure CRC initiative, the Colorectal Cancer Alliance is accepting proposals from senior investigators (past five initial years of their first faculty appointment) with potentially transformative ideas that will accelerate the translation of new therapies and technologies. Proposals may include investigator-initiated clinical trials and do not require IRB approval at the proposal stage. Collaborations are highly encouraged. Special emphasis will be given to proposals that fast-track existing preclinical and clinical research in areas that increase therapeutic options, improve adjuvant therapies, deliver novel therapies focused on driver mutations (such as BRAF, TP53, KRAS, BRCA1), and investigate strategies to manipulate the tumor microenvironment (TME) to advance the use of immunotherapy. Grant funds up to $2 million over two years, of which up to 5% can be allocated to indirect costs.

Pilot Award

  • Deadline: Rolling
  • Purpose: As part of its Project Cure CRC initiative, the Colorectal Cancer Alliance is accepting proposals from investigators in academic and industry settings with potentially transformative “high-risk, high-reward” projects that do not have extensive preliminary data but articulate a clear hypothesis and translational goals. Special emphasis will be given to proposals that fast-track existing preclinical and clinical research in areas that increase therapeutic options, improve adjuvant therapies, deliver novel therapies focused on driver mutations (such as BRAF, TP53, KRAS, BRCA1), and investigate strategies to manipulate the tumor microenvironment (TME) to advance the use of immunotherapy. Grant funds up to $200,000 over two years, of which up to 5% can be allocated to indirect costs.

Team Science Award

  • Deadline: Rolling
  • Purpose: As part of its Project Cure CRC, the Colorectal Cancer Alliance is accepting team science proposals, including public-private partnerships, that will drive CRC research to curative science. Research proposals that accelerate new innovations from bench to bedside and address current unmet clinical needs will be prioritized. Projects should be led by a senior investigator PI (past five years of initial faculty appointment).Special emphasis will be given to proposals that fast-track existing preclinical and clinical research in areas that increase therapeutic options, improve adjuvant therapies, deliver novel therapies focused on driver mutations (such as BRAF, TP53, KRAS, BRCA1), and investigate strategies to manipulate the tumor microenvironment (TME) to advance the use of immunotherapy. Grant funds up to $4 million over two years, of which up to 5% can be allocated to indirect costs.

The University of Illinois Cancer Center has approval to pursue the following grant opportunities from private funders through its Advancement team. As a Cancer Center member, please notify and work with Jane Erb ([email protected]) and her Advancement team if you have an interest in any of the following current opportunities or would like further information. The Advancement team will provide grant development support and handle submissions as awards count toward the Cancer Center’s philanthropic goals.

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