Alexandra Naba, PhD

Associate Professor

Physiology and Biophysics


Research Program

Cancer Biology (CB)

Phone: 312-355-5417

Email: [email protected]

Alexandra Naba, PhD, is Associate Professor in the Department Physiology and Biophysics at the University of Illinois College of Medicine Chicago. She joined UIC in 2016. The Naba Laboratory uses cutting-edge proteomics and bioinformatics to study the role of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in development, health and disease, with a particular focus on cancer. Their goal is to better understand how the ECM contributes to diseases to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. She is also founder of the Matrisome Project and the database MatrisomeDB, two major resources for ECM research used worldwide.



PhD, Curie Institute University Paris XI

Disease Focus

Breast; Ovarian

Research Keywords

Extracellular Matrix; Tumor Microenvironment; Metastasis; Cell Invasion; Proteomics; Bioinformatics

Additional Language(s)

English, French

Published Research

PubMed Search

Other Link(s)

Department Webpage

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