Below is a curated list of funding opportunities that may be of interest to Cancer Center members. The listed ordered by date of the first deadline.
Community Outreach and Engagement Skills Fellowship for Cancer Biology
Sponsor: University of Illinois Cancer Center (UICC)
Abstract: This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) actualizes the commitment at the Cancer Center to engage patient and community stakeholders in laboratory research to eliminate the burden of cancer comprehensively and effectively. The fellowship provides resources to encourage Cancer Center Cancer Biology program members and trainees to learn skills to share results and solicit input from community and patient advocates. Each application must include at least one full member from the Cancer Biology program and one trainee (K-12, undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral). The award is $30,000 across two years.
Application Due Date: April 10, 2023
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements for NCI Division of Cancer Biology Research Programs
Sponsor: National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Abstract: The purpose of this Notice is to encourage currently funded NCI extramural investigators to apply for administrative supplements to conduct systematic evidence reviews assessing the state of the science on the clinical utility (CU) of cancer-site specific polygenic risk scores (PRS) for cancer risk assessment and inform future trials and research directions for clinical translation and implementation. The goals of this supplement opportunity are to 1) identify the potential for CU of cancer-site specific PRS for cancer risk assessment; 2) describe the state of the science in terms of cancer-site specific PRS development and evaluation; 3) assess the current evidence for efficacy and/or effectiveness of PRS CU and potential benefits and harms of their clinical use (including consideration of available screening and prevention interventions based on risk); and 4) propose criteria and optimal study designs and methods for which PRS are candidates for evaluation of CU through clinical trials.
Application Due Dates: April 21, 2023
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative supplements to examine the effects of digital tools and interventions on patient-provider communication across the cancer control continuum
Sponsor: National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Abstract: The goal of this Notice of Special interest (NOSI) from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) is to encourage currently funded NCI extramural investigators to apply for administrative supplements to better understand the effects of digital health tools and interventions on patient-provider communication across the cancer control continuum, with the aim of developing an evidence base to inform future development, modification, and delivery of digital tools/interventions for effective cancer prevention and control.
Application Due Dates: April 21, 2023
DoD Lung Cancer, Idea Development Award
Sponsor: Department of Defense; Department of the Army (USAMRAA)
Abstract: The FY23 LCRP Idea Development Award mechanism promotes new ideas that are still in the early stages of development and have the potential to yield impactful data and new avenues of investigation. This award supports conceptually innovative, high-risk/high-reward research that could lead to critical discoveries or major advancements that will accelerate progress toward eradicating deaths and suffering from lung cancer. Research applications only in the area of mesothelioma will not be accepted. Applications should include a well-formulated,
testable hypothesis based on strong scientific rationale.
Pre-Application Due Date: May 10, 2023
Application Due Date: August 3, 2023
DoD Lung Cancer, Translational Research Award
Sponsor: Department of Defense; Department of the Army (USAMRAA)
Abstract: The FY23 LCRP Translational Research Award mechanism supports advanced translational research that will foster transformation of promising ideas in lung cancer into clinical applications. Translational research may be defined as an integration of basic science and clinical observations. Observations that drive a research idea may originate from a laboratory discovery, population-based studies, or a clinician’s firsthand knowledge of patient care. The ultimate goal of translational research is to move a concept or observation forward into clinical application. However, Principal Investigators (PIs) should not view translational research as a one-way continuum from bench to bedside, but can include a reciprocal flow of ideas and information between basic science and clinical science (bench to bedside and/or bedside to bench). Research applications only in the area of mesothelioma will not be accepted. This mechanism is intended to fund a broad range of
translational studies with two different funding levels.
Pre-Application Due Date: May 10, 2023
Application Due Date: August 3, 2023
R Accelerated Award Grant
Sponsor: Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer (ALSF)
Abstract: The purpose of the R Accelerated Award Grant is to advance ALSF’s mission to find cures and better treatments for childhood cancers by providing support to scientists focused on pediatric oncology research. Applicants must have an original project that is not currently being funded that has a clear focus on accelerating the discovery of more effective, less toxic therapy for childhood cancers. Research projects should address a testable hypothesis based on strong scientific rationale. Applicants must be recipients of a pediatric cancer research-focused NIH R01 award or equivalent independent award. Demonstration of continued commitment to pediatric cancer investigation as well as institutional support are critical components of a successful application.
Application Due Date: May 11, 2023
Pragmatic Trials Across the Cancer Control Continuum (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Required)
Sponsor: National Cancer Institute (NCI); National Institutes of Health (NIH); Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
Abstract: Through this funding opportunity announcement (FOA), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) intends to accelerate the development of evidence-based cancer-related interventions that reflect the diversity of people, places, contexts, and settings in the United States. Specifically, this FOA will support research that tests the impact of cancer-related interventions on cancer-related outcomes across the cancer control continuum using a pragmatic trial study design. This FOA will use the UG3/UH3 phased cooperative agreement mechanism. The UG3 phase will support refining the cancer-related intervention and finalizing study-related activities in preparation for conducting the pragmatic trial during the UH3 phase.
Application Due Date: June 14, 2023; October 17, 2023
Epidemiologic Research on Emerging Risk Factors and Liver Cancer Susceptibility (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Sponsor: National Cancer Institute (NCI); National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Abstract: The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to promote epidemiologic research investigating novel and innovative hypotheses on emerging risk factors (biological, environmental, and social) and their interplay with established risk factors (e.g., viral hepatitis) associated with the development of liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma and other histological subtypes) in the United States.
Application Due Date: June 16, 2023; October 16, 2023
Biology of Bladder Cancer (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH); Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
Abstract: This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages applications that investigate the biology and underlying mechanisms of bladder cancer. Bladder cancer is a significant health problem both in the United States and globally. Because of the high incidence and frequent tumor recurrence, bladder cancer exacts an outsized medical burden. While recent progress has been made in the molecular profiling of bladder cancers and identification of mutated genes, relatively little is known regarding the molecular mechanisms driving initiation, progression and malignancy of bladder cancer. Furthermore, our understanding of the biological processes of the normal bladder at the molecular, cell and organ levels is limited. Fundamental knowledge of how molecular and cellular functions of the bladder are altered in cancer will aid our understanding of bladder cancer biology and contribute to the future development of new interventions.
Application Due Date: June 16, 2023; October 16, 2023
Tobacco Control Policies to Promote Health Equity (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)
Sponsor: National Cancer Institute (NCI); National Institutes of Health (NIH); Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
Abstract: The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support observational or intervention research focused on reducing disparities in tobacco use and secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure in the U.S. Specifically, this FOA aims to stimulate scientific inquiry focused on innovative state and local level tobacco prevention and control policies. The long-term goal of this FOA is to reduce disparities in tobacco-related cancers, and in doing so, to promote health equity among all populations. Applicants submitting applications related to health economics are encouraged to consult NOT-OD-16-025 to ensure that the research projects align with NIH mission priorities in health economics research.
Application Due Date: June 16, 2023
Familial RUNX1 Grant Program: RUNX1 Early Career Investigator Grant Program
Sponsor: Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer (ALSF)
Abstract: The RUNX1 Early Career Investigator grant is a three-year award designed to fund research investigating strategies that will lead to the development of therapies that will prevent the transition from pre-leukemia to leukemia for patients with RUNX1-FPD. The RUNX1 Research Program and ALSF host an annual scientific meeting that brings together grant recipients and other scientists. Grant recipients are expected to present their progress as part of the annual review.