Upcoming NCI Webinar: Obesity and Prostate Cancer Risk

Register now for a two-part National Cancer Institute (NCI) webinar on obesity and prostate cancer risk, part of the NCI’s obesity and cancer webinar series.

February 28 is the first part of the “Obesity and Prostate Cancer Risk: Gaps in Our Current Understanding and Thoughts on How to Close the Gaps” webinar and the second part will be held March 24.

“The role of obesity in prostate cancer risk is unclear. Many studies point to obese men having a lower overall risk, but a greater risk of aggressive disease and death. This area of research is understudied. As the most common cancer (other than skin cancer) in men both in the United States and worldwide, more research is urgently needed. Over the course of two one-hour webinars, four experts will address 1) what is known regarding the epidemiology, nutrition, basic and clinical science of prostate cancer risk, 2) gaps in our current understanding, and 3) challenges and possible approaches to close the gaps,” according to the NCI.

Part 1 speakers are:

Stephen J. Freedland, M.D.
Staff Physician, Durham VA Medical Center
Professor of Urology
Warschaw, Robertson, Law Families Chair in Prostate Cancer
Director, Center for Integrated Research on Cancer and Lifestyle (CIRCL)
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Marian L. Neuhouser, Ph.D., R.D.
Professor and Program Head
Cancer Prevention Program
Division of Public Health Sciences
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Part 2 speakers are:

Edward L. Giovannucci, M.D., Sc.D.
Professor, Nutrition and Epidemiology
Harvard T.H. Chan School Of Public Health

Michael Pollak, M.D.
Alexander-Goldfarb Research Chair in Medical Oncology
Professor, Departments of Medicine & Oncology
Director, Division of Cancer Prevention
McGill University

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