Dr. Sanjib Basu has a wide and deep expertise in statistical methodological research, statistical computation, and collaborative work with clinical and biomedical researchers in cancer. He is the Paul Levy and Virginia F. Tomasek Professor of Biostatistics and Director, Center for Biostatistical Development at University of Illinois at Chicago.
Dr. Basu is also a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, an Elected Member of International Statistical Institute, and member of the Editorial Board of multiple journals, and he was a Presidential Research Professor and the Director of the Statistics Division at Northern Illinois University.
He has an extensive list of publications on statistical methodology in prestigious statistics journals including methodological development for analysis of data from the SEER cancer registries. His records of collaborative publications include topics focusing on genetic, molecular, clinical and surgical research on lung, ovarian, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Breast, Melanoma and other cancers.