Jamie Chriqui, PhD, MHS


Health Policy and Administration

School of Public Health

Research Program

Cancer Prevention And Control (CPC)

Phone: 312-996-6410

Email: [email protected]

Jamie Chriqui, PhD, MHS, is Senior Associate Dean and Professor of Health Policy and Administration in the UIC School of Public Health. She also directs Health Policy Research for the UIC Institute for Health Research and Policy. She joined UIC in 2007. Her background is in public health policy, with a particular emphasis on chronic disease-related public health policies and their impacts on population health and communities. She is recognized as a leading national expert on public health policy research, analysis, surveillance and evaluation. Her research has been heavily focused on a broad spectrum of obesity policy-related issues, particularly in the areas of school health, wellness, nutrition and activity. Her work has received national recognition as evidenced by her appointments to a number of national, state and local boards and advisory committees, including the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) Committee to Accelerate Progress in Obesity Prevention and the subsequent IOM Committee to Evaluate Progress in Obesity Prevention, the Community Preventive Services Task Force and numerous other national expert panel and advisory boards. She has more than 135 publications, reports and monograph/book chapters.

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