Dolly Mehta, PhD, is Professor of Pharmacology and Interim Head of the Department of Pharmacology and Regenerative Medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine Chicago. She joined UIC in 1999. Her lab investigates interactive signaling between non-phagocytic (i.e., endothelial cells) and phagocytic cells (i.e., monocytes/macrophages) in regulating tissue function. The lab seeks to understand how stressors on these cell types trigger metabolic and epigenetic changes to alter tissue function under physiological settings versus pathological (i.e., cancer) settings. Specific projects include investigating the non-canonical function of the tumor suppresor, PTEN, in generating a reparative and anti-inflammatory population of endothelial cells that maintain normal tissue function.

Dolly Mehta, PhD
Pharmacology and Regenerative Medicine
Research Program
Cancer Biology (CB)
Phone: 312-355-0236
Email: [email protected]