Entre Cafe y Cafe con Vicky
Watch the next University of Illinois Cancer Center segment on “Entre Cafe y Cafe con Vicky” on Facebook Live Amor 106.7 at this link.
January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month and the guest is Olga Garcia-Bedoya, MD, an internal medicine doctor at UI Health. She specializes in adult medicine, particularly chronic illnesses such as obesity, diabetes and hypertension, as well as women’s preventive health. She also serves as the medical director for the UIC Institute for Minority Health Research, where she oversees standardized clinical examinations and biospecimen collection for large-scale epidemiological research projects. She believes in patient-centered care and personalized medicine, ensuring that each patient receives the best possible treatment.
Listen to the show promo in Spanish here.
La Dra. Garcia-Bedoya es una internista en el Departamento de Medicine en UI Health. Se especializa en medicina adulta, particularmente en enfermedades cronicas como la obesidad, diabetes, hipertensión, y tambien la salud preventiva de la mujer. Tiene el titulo como directora medica para el Instituto de Investigación en Salud para Minoridades donde supervisa examenes clinicos y la coleccion de muestra biológica para proyectos de investigacion epidemiologica . La Dra. Garcia cree en la atencion centrada en el paciente y medicina personalizada, asegurando que cada paciente reciba el major tratamiento posible.