The University of Illinois Cancer Center continues to conduct its Community Health Needs Assessment survey at a variety of community events and venues to better understand health needs and priorities related to cancer screening, risk factors and cancer in Cook County.
The effort is led by our Community Engagement and Health Equity (CEHE) Office. The team recently collected assessments at the popular Latino festival Fiesta del Sol in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood (pictured) and will do the same at the 20th annual “Back 2 School Health & Resource Fair,” the signature event of the West Side Pastors’ Coalition for AIDS & Inner City Health, at West Suburban Medical Center in Oak Park on Saturday, August 12.
Community Health Needs Assessment Details
The Cancer Center conducts a Community Health Needs Assessment every two years and is partnering with community organizations to collect survey responses. The survey is available in English and Spanish.
The voluntary confidential survey takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete, and this research helps guide the development of future programs tailored to the needs and priorities of the communities we serve.
Take It
If you live in Cook County and want to take the survey, please click here or scan the QR code.