Three summer programs for high school and undergraduate students at the University of Illinois Cancer Center are looking for mentors. The high school programs – the Cancer Health Equity Summer Scholars (CHESS) and researcHStart – run from June 12 to August 4. The undergraduate program – the University of Illinois Diversity in Cancer Research Internship (UI DICR) – runs from June 5 to August 11.
CHESS is an eight-week summer program that trains and mentors underrepresented minority high school students interested in careers focusing on cancer research and other health professions. The CHESS Program is a collaboration between the Cancer Center and the Urban Health Program.
The researcHStart program introduces high school students to cancer research, introducing students to biophysics, biochemistry, immunology, and pharmacology. The program is a multi-institution program with the Cancer Center, the University of Chicago, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Northwestern University, and Rush University.
Through funding from the American Cancer Society, the UI DICR supports underrepresented minority undergraduate students to participate in a 10-week summer cancer research internship.
If you are interested in being a mentor, sign up here or contact the Cancer Center’s Cancer Research Career Enhancement and Education (CRCEE) office at [email protected].