Rare Cancers Prevention and Interception Virtual Workshop
Sponsored by the Division of Cancer Prevention, Center for Cancer Research, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute (NCI) and Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs, Department of Defense (DoD).
The main goals of the workshop are to:
1) Identify challenges and knowledge gaps and explore research opportunities in rare cancers research.
2) Identify research gaps and develop strategic planning with emphasis on understudied research areas in rare cancers.
3) Explore important research questions that will lead to developing better ways of prevention and interception against rare cancers.
4) Finding ways to facilitate networking (researchers, clinicians, patient advocates) among the stakeholders and engage them for the benefit of the patient community.
Agenda Topics:
- Plenary talk
- Overview of Rare Cancers: Current Status
- Emerging Opportunities for Rare Cancers Prevention and Interception
- Rare Cancers Clinical Trials Updates
- Challenges and Opportunities in Rare Cancers Research: Biology, Targets and Prevention
- Networking – scientists, advocacy groups, and healthcare providers
- Brainstorming and Future Directions
Registration is free, but you will need to register in order to be able to access the link to the meeting.
For More Information and Registration: