Cure Childhood Cancer funding opportunities that may be of interest to University of Illinois Cancer Center members.

Translation to Cure Award

  • Letter of Intent Deadline: 02/14/25
  • Application Deadline: 3/28/25
  • Purpose: The Translation to Cure award provides $330,000 in funding over two years (including 10% towards indirect costs) to investigators at any stage of their career (assistant to full professor) who are conducting promising childhood cancer research. Funds can cover salaries and fringe benefits, up to $2,500 for travel per year, and supplies (equipment expenses not allowable).

Early Investigator Award

  • Letter of Intent Deadline: 02/14/25
  • Application Deadline: 03/28/25
  • Purpose: The early investigator award provides $220,000 in total funding over two years (including 10% indirect costs) to beginning scientists and physician scientists at the instructor or assistant professor level. Funds can cover salaries and fringe benefits, up to $2,500 for travel per year, and supplies (equipment expenses not allowable).

The University of Illinois Cancer Center has approval to pursue the following grant opportunities from foundations through its Advancement team. As a Cancer Center member, please notify and work with Jane Erb ([email protected]) and her Advancement team if you have an interest in any of the following current opportunities or would like further information. The Advancement team will provide grant development support and handle submissions as awards count toward the Cancer Center’s philanthropic goals.

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