The Illinois Cancer Health Equity Research (I-CHER) Center at the University of Illinois Cancer Center will fund one research project at $30,000 for one year in its fourth annual call for pilot program applications representing equitable solutions to tackle social and structural determinants of cancer health.


Eligible applicants include racial and ethnic minorities who are either postdoctoral fellows or faculty members within 12 years of their terminal degree. 

Call for Applications

This call is specifically designed for laboratory-based, translational and population-based studies that have clear implications for sustainable solutions for cancer health equity in the future. Ideally, projects will produce pilot data for outstanding grant applications in the future (e.g., American Cancer Society (ACS) research scholar grants; National Institutes of Health (NIH) K series and R series grants).

December 9: LOI

Interested applicants are asked to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) by 5 p.m., December 9, to Aileen Shen at [email protected].

LOI (3-Pages Max)

  • Your name (Last Name, First Name)
  • Purpose, rational, objectives, and expected outcomes
  • Statement that, if funded, you intend to apply to future grants (e.g. ACS research scholar grants; NIH K series and R series grants)

Consultation Available

  • Biostatistics support and planning (contact Nelson Chen, PhD at [email protected])
  • Review and alignment of proposed project with the Cancer Center catchment area priorities and needs (contact Margaret Wright, PhD at [email protected])
  • Matchmaking and consultation with currently funded I-CHER project teams (contact Aileen Shen, MPH, at [email protected])
  • Administrative review of application to ensure it will not be rejected (contact Aileen Shen, MPH, at [email protected]).

By January 2, 2025

  • Please submit one PDF document to Aileen Shen, MPH ([email protected]) that includes the following components, within page limits:
  • Specific aims (1 page)
  • Rationale, hypothesis, and research plan (two pages inclusive of figures and references)
  • A brief description of how this project will help support a future career development or research grant (1/2 page )
  • A brief budget (please note that indirect costs are NOT allowed) (1/2 page )
  • NIH bio sketches for all key personnel
  • State whether you have discussed this application with your mentor and list your mentor’s name. Please describe your mentor’s contribution to the application process. Please also list the name of your Unit Head (1/4 page).
  • All applications will be reviewed, and feedback will be provided. The selected project will be funded immediately upon approval by the PRC and IRB. 

About I-CHER

The University of Illinois Chicago campus was 1 of 4 four Minority Serving Institutions that shared in more than $16 million in grants awarded by the American Cancer Society, beginning in January 2022, to establish Cancer Health Equity Research (CHER) Centers. The others were the University of Arizona, Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta, and Howard University in Washington, D.C. Each institution received a four-year grant of $4.08 million.

Click here for a listing of previous I-CHER Center pilot grant awardees.

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